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Daily Gratitude - our founding fathers

Title: “The Little Red Schoolhouse ”

Oil on canvas 36”x36”


The backstory:

There is nothing so real as being in front of my subject matter painting en pleinair.

Imagine sitting in the sunshine, feeling the warmth on your face, paints and brushes in hand. In the distance you might hear voices of the past—children laughing, singing, and playing outside during recess. Can you imagine the teacher peeking out the window as she kept an eye on her students?

The link below is about what I found out about the founders of Fallbrook. As a lover of history, I am supporting the efforts to continue to tell the stories of the past in our community. Bringing the community together through Art. Check it out!

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1 Comment

May 21

BJ Lane is such a gifted artist & will be recognized as such for many years to come! ❤️

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