Title : “Digital Self Portrait”- Digital Medium on Metal - 15” x 20”
Ringing. Dinging. Message. Phone calls.
Email and distraction.
In this world of technology
I am losing traction.
Overwhelmed and way too busy,
The world seems to be.
I just want to sneak away.
Or maybe paint a tree.
I put my phone on silent mode.
I still my cluttered mind.
The world becomes a quiet place
Where I can take my time.
A painting app has caught my eye.
I start to paint and draw.
Now I can see technology
Can fill me up with awe.
The Backstory:
I remember when the iPad first came out. It was the latest craze. I seemed everyone wanted one—but not me—that is until I discovered drawing and painting programs which could be used to create beautiful art. This piece was created with just my fingers and the touch screen. Oh the joy of artful technology.
After all, it’s a beautiful life.
“MEMOIRS OF THE HEART”- ART EXHIBIT through March 28, 2020
Portrait workshop: Sat. 2/8/20 2-4pm
Closing reception: Sat. 3/21/20 2-4pm
Vista Library
700 Eucalyptus Ave
Vista, CA 92084
Schedule a private tour;
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