Autism Awareness Month
Look at me.
Turn your eyes.
Focus on life.
Look this way.
See this day.
It is good.
All is well.
You are loved.
Beautiful day.
Good morning.
Title: "The Portrait-TAMMY TAMMY digital rendition "
Mixed Medium: digital - painting remix
#fineart #oil #oilsticks #oilbars #decor #originalart #gratitude #bettereveryday #portraits #artcommissions #gifts
The backstory:
A digital rendition of an oil portrait of my youngest daughter who lives with autism. Here she is depicted simply. Her sweet young face, big blue eyes, and blonde hair. Now an adult, each morning she wakes with “good morning mom, good morning dad, good morning mom, good morning Tammy, good morning mom, good morning Tammy. It’s a beautiful day”. She reminds me each day to keep life simple. Simple words, simple focus, simply live.