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#dailygratitude - July


A brand new month. A brand new day.

Just one month of the year.

What will I do with this new chance,

To learn and live and grow?

When others talk with resolute,

I will listen with my heart.

When I see I can be of help

I will offer my hand.

I’ll accept the things I cannot change

Change the things I can.

And last of all, but not least,

I will do my very best

To see the good within my life.

And to have gratitude.

Title: “self portrait-as a child”

Graphite and charcoal on paper


Commissions and Prints available

The backstory:

I talked with my mother today. A long distance phone call between two different lives—connected by DNA and love. Her memory is spotty, as is mine at times. For instance, I don’t remember posing for the picture I used as reference for this piece. I don’t recall the color of the dress I wore, or exactly how old I was. But I do recall the love I have always had for my mother.

Momma doesn’t remember much of her life—except for Important things. She remembers to drink her “Green drink” every day, to get outside in the sunshine, and to read a good book. She plays piano for the rest-home every afternoon at 2pm, makes sure she gets to the special movies and activities provided by the home, and won’t eat sugar unless it’s in the form of ice cream. She also still takes her vitamins daily.

My mother taught me the value of choice, letting go, and being courageous. She taught me to look for the good in everyone. And, Momma taught me the most important thing of all ... Gratitude.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow”. Quote by Melody Beattie

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