Title : “Time’s a Tickin’”- Colored Marker and Ink on Paper - 24” x 18”
Tick, tick, tock, tock.
How quick the time goes by.
It seems that life is filled with chores
I cannot figure why.
Little helpers clean the pots.
A spill upon the floor.
The host brings in the tea.
“Ring”…someone’s at the door.
There really should be more of me
I let out a sigh.
The Maid, Host, Mother. Wife
And Artist deep inside.
Thus I spend my life and time
With Art and Family.
I love them both with all my heart.
They are the life in me.
The Backstory:
I was told by a dear mentor that when I began a family, I would have to choose between pursuing my Art Career, and being a Mother.
After all, it’s a beautiful life.
These next few weeks I will be posting portraits and poetry from my newest exhibition,
“Memoirs of the heart”. Highlighting family I focus on the essence of emotion, and the connection that binds us all ... the human heart.
Available for viewing during library hours.
Through March 28, 2020
Portrait workshop: Sat. 2/8/20 2-4pm
Closing reception: Sat. 3/21/20 2-4pm
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