Title: “The Great Escape”
Oil on canvas 30”x40”
Originals, Artists Prints, Commissions
There is no place like home ...
There is no place like home ...
There is no place like home ...
Home is where the heart is.
But a road trip would be awesome!
Let Art fill your heart.
“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What are you grateful for today?
“Memoirs of the Heart”
#TheArtistsChallenge2020 #covid19art #IsolationInspiration #everydaypoetry #bjlaneartgallery #architectureart #pleinair #floral #huntingtonlibrary #originalart #gratitude #portraits #seascapes #paintings #sculpture #digitalart #sculpturegardens #rfpaints #ballet #florals #carart #bjlaneartgallery #dailygratitude