Title: "sculptures of Tammy"
Medium: Ceramic
The Journey continues . . .
Even though I am a mother of a daughter with Autism, and have observed, supported and been connected with Autism for over 25 years, I am still learning about my daughter's behaviors, challenges and gifts. But mostly I am learning about myself.
This collection of small sculptures were created during a difficult time in our life together. The beginning of puberty, the growing pains of adolescence, and the struggle for self, wore on my emotions. In order to keep inner peace, I found myself returning to my artwork. I held warm clay in my hand, pushed and formed it to symbolize form, and found understanding.
Peace cannot be kept by force;
it can only be achieved by understanding. Albert Einstein Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/keywords/understanding.html
National Autism Association
Autism Society
Autism Speaks
The Arc-Autism Now
Autism Network-Valeries List (So. Cal)
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